Sunday, August 8, 2010

Bath time photos
Splash, splash, splash

Getting all dried up

soggy toes

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Teeth are here!

We have teeth!  That is right two little teeth on the bottom.  My little girl is getting so big! 
So a little about all she is doing:
She is such a happy baby, she gives anyone and everyone smiles. 
She laughs and smiles when I drop her off with the sitter and when I pick her up for the day I get squeals, leg kicks, and laughs. 
When she wakes up in the morning she gives the biggest smile, it melts my heart!
She is crawling everywhere and pulling herself up on everything. I love watching her explore, how everything goes straight into her mouth, how she chases Leroy Kitty around and he lays down and takes it. 
She loves the pool, well anything water.  She will splash and splash and kick her legs. 
She will watch little kids run and it makes her laugh. 
Being her mom ROCKS!!
Charles is back home and it it just wonderful.  It's so awesome seeing Kenna with her Dad. 
I can't beleive its been 7 months. 
We are moving at the end of the month.  No more apartment for us!!  We are so very excited to be moving into a house that we don' thave to listen to our neighbors music and parties!
That is about it for us.

Thursday, July 8, 2010


Kenna had her 6 month appointment yesterday and did great!  Shots and all.  She is now 15.8 pounds and 26 inches long.  She is now actually crawling, it doesn't last long, but she is getting the hang of it.  Here is a video. 

We had a great 4th of July with our friends.  Kenna even work up and saw the fireworks.  She has fun playing with her friend Sophie. 

Friday, July 2, 2010

6 months already!

Kenna and I have been staying busy with Charles gone.  Last weekend went to the pool with Danielle and Sophie.  Kenna loves the water!  She will just kick and splash the whole time.  Sophie and Kenna had fun playing together on the grass.  Sorry no water pictures this time...

I can't belive Kenna is now 6 months!  I love every second of it.  I will be taking her 6 month pictures tomorrow, I will get them up as soon as I can.  I am pretty excited, we are going to go to Balboa Park. 

Yay for the 4th of July! I love the 4th of July!  Who doesn't right?  So we are going to be heading out to see some fireworks.  I don't know how Kenna is going to do, or if she will even be awake.  I just can't wait to see how is she is going to react to the fireworks. 

She started pulling herself up on things.  Since she doesn't sit in her Bumbo chair anymore, she climbs out, she now uses it for her toys.  She will put toys in and then take them out.  She will continue to do this for about 20 minutes! It's the cutest thing ever! Here are pictures of her standing up at the Bumbo.

She has toys in there!

And getting ready for bed this evening. She is just too cute! I love taking pictures of her.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Kenna getting so big!

Charles left yesterday for his trip to Hawaii.  We are going to miss him, but we are doing great!  She is so much fun to be with.  I got my first squeal when I picked her up from day care last week.  She saw me and just gave me the biggest smile!  It just melts my heart when she gets excited to see me. 
She is getting so big.  She is doing all kinds of new things:

Discovering herself in the mirror

Reaching for a toy and putting it straight into her mouth!

Just being cute!!

At the pool for the first time! She was so cute!

Kicking her little legs with a smile on her face!

Just hanging out in her pj's

Watching T.V.
Can anyone guess what she is watching? Chris I bet you can...

Sitting up (love the soaked shirt!)

Eating solids and loving them.

She likes to stick her tongue out

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Kenna Crawling... well kind of...

We are getting ready for Charles to head to Hawaii for a little over a month and Kenna is growing like a weed! She is sitting up, doing the belly crawl, and just making all kinds of new sounds!  Here is a video of her crawling to Leroy kitty...

Have I said how much I love being a mom?  Well, I LOVE BEING A MOM!!  She is so much fun.
Marie came to visit while I was in Washinton D.C. and had so much fun with Kenna.  She has taught her a new trick that is fun to watch:

And here is Kenna sitting up.  She is so awesome! 

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Women's Leadership Symposium

This past week I was lucky enough to attend a Women's Leadership Symposium in Washington D.C. There were over 1,000 women in uniform in attendance from the Navy, Coast Guard, and the Marine Corps. I was so motivated by these women who have gone before me, that have paved the way for women to be where we are today in the Military.
This is still a male dominated field and as a woman you can still be a leader and advance to anything that you strive for. Women still have a long way to go in the Military. So many of the women that spoke had had so many firsts. First woman to command a Naval Station, first woman to command the Marine Corps Recruit Depot, first woman to achieve the rank of a three-star general, and I even met a Senior Chief that was the first woman Chief to be at her command this year. These women are so inspirational and have done so much.

The main question I posed to many different women in the symposium was "How do you have a successful Naval career and a successful family life?"  Most of the women told me that you will have to make sacrifices, of course I already knew this, but they also gave me a lot to think about. A Captain, married with no children, told me I have to educate personnel that don't have a families so they understand what it means to have that family at home. A Senior Chief told me it's not about the quantity of time you spend with your family but the quality, like sitting down to dinner. Another told me I have to decide what is best for my family and ensure I put them first and to remember that there are a million moments in a child's life, don't feel guilty for the ones you missed, write down the ones you got to experience.  
Here are a couple of pictures

This is the first female Master Chief in the Navy.  She is also an original WAVES member.

Even the Chief of Naval Operations made time for us!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

The True Meaning of Memorial Day

What the true sacrifice men and women have made for our country! This video says it all.

Friday, May 28, 2010

The first post...

So I figured it was time to start a blog. With all of our family around the country this is a great way to keep everyone up with our Navy life.

Kenna is now 5 months old. Where does the time go? Being a Mom has been the best thing in the world. Waking up at 5:30 in the morning to a little baby girl just chatting away is so awesome! She rolls all over the place and is so curious about everything. She likes to have what you are holding and wants to put it right in her mouth. She loves her bumbo seat and the tags on her play mat.

I am about to head to Washington, D.C. for a Military Women's Symposium and will be leaving Kenna and Charles for 4 days. This is going to be the hardest thing ever! We are flying Marie, Charles' mother, out to spend some time with Kenna. I am super excited for her to be here. I love when Kenna gets to spend time with the Grandparents.

This is Kenna playing with the tags...