Sunday, August 8, 2010

Bath time photos
Splash, splash, splash

Getting all dried up

soggy toes

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Teeth are here!

We have teeth!  That is right two little teeth on the bottom.  My little girl is getting so big! 
So a little about all she is doing:
She is such a happy baby, she gives anyone and everyone smiles. 
She laughs and smiles when I drop her off with the sitter and when I pick her up for the day I get squeals, leg kicks, and laughs. 
When she wakes up in the morning she gives the biggest smile, it melts my heart!
She is crawling everywhere and pulling herself up on everything. I love watching her explore, how everything goes straight into her mouth, how she chases Leroy Kitty around and he lays down and takes it. 
She loves the pool, well anything water.  She will splash and splash and kick her legs. 
She will watch little kids run and it makes her laugh. 
Being her mom ROCKS!!
Charles is back home and it it just wonderful.  It's so awesome seeing Kenna with her Dad. 
I can't beleive its been 7 months. 
We are moving at the end of the month.  No more apartment for us!!  We are so very excited to be moving into a house that we don' thave to listen to our neighbors music and parties!
That is about it for us.